Add ordering to your Django-Graphene GraphQL API :arrow_down:

- 6 mins read

The problem

The canonical Djanago-Graphene documentation on ordering points you towards using the OrderingFilter on a custom FilterSet from django_filter to implement ordering on your API, so that you can do things like:

query {
    posts(orderBy: "-createdAt") {

to get post titles ordered in descending order of when they were created. This works okay, as long as you don’t intend to use the filtering mechanism in django-graphene/django-filter, where you can specify django-style filters that are converted automatically to GraphQL arguments for filtering:

class PostNode(DjangoObjectType):
    class Meta:
        fields = {
            "title": ["exact", "startswith", "icontains"]

because as soon as you follow the documentation from django-graphene and provide the custom filterset class, you gain ordering via the orderBy, but lose the default FilterSet that django-graphene builds for your PostNode type, which contains the nice title__Exact, title__Icontains, etc… filters on it.

The solution

To fix this, I built a custom connection field, inspired from several stackoverflow answers inheriting from DjangoFilterConnectionField that you likely already use:

from graphene_django.filter import DjangoFilterConnectionField
from graphene.utils.str_converters import to_snake_case

class OrderedDjangoFilterConnectionField(DjangoFilterConnectionField):
    def resolve_queryset(
        cls, connection, iterable, info, args, filtering_args, filterset_class
        qs = super().resolve_queryset(
            connection, iterable, info, args, filtering_args, filterset_class
        order = args.get("orderBy", None)
        if order:
            if isinstance(order, str):
                snake_order = to_snake_case(order)
                snake_order = [to_snake_case(o) for o in order]

            # annotate counts for ordering
            for order_arg in snake_order:
                order_arg = order_arg.lstrip("-")
                annotation_name = f"annotate_{order_arg}"
                annotation_method = getattr(qs, annotation_name, None)
                if annotation_method:
                    qs = annotation_method()

            # override the default distinct parameters
            # as they might differ from the order_by params
            qs = qs.order_by(*snake_order).distinct()

        return qs

and you use it like so in your query schema:

class PostQuery(graphene.ObjectType):
    posts = OrderedDjangoFilterConnectionField(

This differs from the StackOverflow answer in that it lets you sort by custom fields that you may have implemented on your GraphQL API, but not on your model (in my case, it was the dowmload count of a post - which isn’t stored on the model) as long as you build a relevant annotation method for it. Let’s walk through what this does:

This works as you would expect if you were ordering by a model field, say the post title, but the real beauty is in ordering on a custom field you’ve created on your GraphQL API, but not on the model, in my case the post download count. This is what the annotate_field_name method is for. My Post Manager looks like:

class PostManager(models.Manager):
    def annotate_download_count(self):
        return self.annotate(download_count=models.Count("downloads"))

which annotates my queryset with a download_count field, that I can then order against.

You’d also ideally re-use this annotation within your GraphQL resolver rather than writing any new logic. For example:

class PostNode:
    download_count = graphene.Int()

    def resolve_download_count(root: Post) -> int:
        return (

or if you want to optimise things when resolving multiple posts (e.g to list them all):


from .types import PostNode

class PostQuery(graphene.ObjectType):
    posts = OrderedDjangoFilterConnectionField(PostNode)

    def resolve_posts():
        return Post.objects.all().annotate_download_count()


class PostNode:
    download_count = graphene.Int()

    def resolve_download_count(root: Post) -> int:
        return root.download_count # has been annotated from the `posts` resolver
Zain Patel

Zain Patel

Software Engineer @ QB \\ Maths @ Cambridge

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